Philip Huml is the Founder, Visionary and Principal of Naples Recovery.
By his mid-20s, Philip Huml enjoyed a successful career in corporate America. But no matter how hard he worked or what he accomplished, he always told himself he did not deserve happiness. This sense of being “less than” festered and grew. He sought to numb his feelings of emptiness any way he could, growing more frightened, desperate, and lonely as his addiction deepened.
Philip began the process of putting his life back together in 2008 with the assistance of a 12-Step program along with the fellowship and wisdom of men who had walked this path before him. Just over three years into sobriety, he was hit by an SUV while standing on a sidewalk in Los Angeles. He nearly died at the scene.
He was in terrible shape, needing multiple surgeries to address severe physical damage. During an extended hospital stay, he found solace in family, friends, and the recovery fellowship. They provided the strength and support he needed to rebuild himself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Their devotion reinforced his will to live, giving him their faith at a time when he was losing his faith in life.
Philip slowly, deliberately, and successfully recovered his life for the second time. Not only did Philip heal from the emotional and physical scars, but he grew and thrived all the while maintaining his sobriety.
During this journey he realized the truest happiness and purpose he had ever experienced had been helping others recover from a hopeless state of mind and body. So, he founded Naples Recovery in 2015.
Philip and his family share a passion for their work and a fierce dedication to those under their wing. They strive every day to model what a life in recovery can be, and to strengthen the ability of every member to follow suit.